Yesterday I started one of my New Year resolutions – to get fit again. We’ve got the treadmill set up with a big tv in front of it for motivation. I just needed a tv show that was going to take my mind off the agony of running!
And I remembered the fabulous Sex and the City – Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte!! It must be almost 20 years since it first aired and it was so cutting edge – the first time we had really heard a true-to-life, no holds barred single womens voice! And it was about time for a re-run.
Season 1, Episode 1 introduced us to ‘sex anthropologist’ Carrie Bradshaw, her girls and her BIG!!! I don’t think I had actually ever seen this first show. Carrie met BIG – she dropped her purse on a busy NYC street and BIG being the chivalrous man he is stopped and helped her pick it up – plus all its contents – a roll of condoms! And it had the interviews from single woman and toxic bachelors – sharing their point of view of sex and dating in the city, which they stopped in the later series. Plus of course it included brilliant gems of wisdom on love – that as a 30-something woman living in the city at the time it was airing – helped you laugh and live in hope of finding your one BIG love!
Fabulous! Do I want to get back on the treadmill? Also-fucking-lutely! (as BIG would say!). Just to watch the next episode!